Thursday, January 19, 2006


I'm a Democrat and sometimes I wonder "WHY, FOR GOD SAKES???". Dubya was definitely beatable in the last election, but Kerry did everything humanly possible to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. And now we have ....

1. The dumb and dumber show at the Judge Alito confirmation hearings - First you have Chuck Schumer from New York looking like a used car salesman trying to unload a lemon and then you have ole Teddy from Massachusetts with a head the size of Guatemala ranting and raving about some organization Judge Alito belongs to at Princeton. Now it appears Teddy belongs to a mens' club that excludes women. He did the old two-step and said that, even though he pays dues, he doesn't know anything about the organization! I guess what really bothers me is that people like Ted Kennedy, Howard "Mad Dog" Dean and others represent we Democrats to the rest of the world. It just sets my teeth on edge every time Teddy says anything about morality, legality, or sensibility.

2. Then Al Gore, in a speech the other day, says that the Bush #2 administration is the worst ever. Although I agree with him, he's a loser, a bore, and someone who should just go away.

Look folks, the Republicans are in deep trouble; the White House won't respond to questions about Abramoff and cronies meetings with people in the administration, Republicans on Capitol Hill are trying to give away the money they took from this uberlobbyist, Ken DeLay had to resign from his speaker of the house position, people (troops and Iraqi citizens) keep dying in Iraq. AND, the Democrats couldn't win an elections if it were held tomorrow!

Wake up you guys! Keep hammering away at the administration and, for God Sakes, get some better examples of Democratic leadership out there. And for any of you conserative Republicans who might accidently stumble across this.....


1 comment:

baorao said...

I have no idea how to email you, since your post on my blog came back as No Reply, but you are more than welcome to link to my blog if you find anything interesting.